Maria Kallio accepts a temporary position as the leader of the Länsi-Uusimaa Police murder squad. The first murder investigation is complicated by the fact that Maria remotely knows the prime suspect.
Maria investigates the murder of the chief geologist at a mining company opening event. Maria accepts a permanent position as the leader of the murder squad and moves to her cottage.
The preacher of a spiritual community is found dead and in order to solve the murder, Maria needs the help of Koivu’s new girlfriend, Anni, who works in the financial crimes unit.
Maria immerses herself in her work as she investigates the murder of a young girl from an immigrant family and tracks down a nationalist extremist group. Antti wants to move in with her.
Maria investigates the murder of a poisoned prostitute on live TV. During an arrest, Maria shoots the main perpetrator of a sex trafficking ring, who is also the murder suspect.
Maria and Koivu investigate the murder of an antiques dealer stabbed in Hanko. When Koivu is put in mortal danger, Maria realizes how much he means to her.
The brutal murder of Antti's research colleague makes Maria realize that the target of the murder was Antti. Does Maria have time to catch the killer before the killer gets their revenge?
Maria Kallio returns to work as head of the murder squad after short maternity leave. She wants to be a loving mother and a good police officer but can't be in two places at the same time.
Maria investigates the murder of a dead skating coach and has to think about what kind of world she will raise her child in. Taskinen has a sixties crisis and wants to get the murder team involved in a dance challenge.
Maria gets a new detective, Anu Wallin, on her team. Maria is jealous of Koivu. Stay-at-home dad Antti is satisfied with his life and Maria feels like an outsider everywhere.
The murder of a local politician takes Maria into triangle drama. Maria thinks about her own traditional family choices. Maria is afraid of losing Koivu and is not ready for it.
Maria Kallio investigates the death of a writer who lived a double life and rethinks her relationship with Koivu. Antti proposes to Maria. Susanna thinks she's being followed.
To Maria's surprise, Koivu applies for a transfer. Susanna has been kidnapped. Maria suspects revenge. Ström wants to handle the negotiations with the kidnapper.
Ström's death and yoga teacher's murder are too much for Maria. She can't take the constant brutality and presence of death. She goes to her cabin to regroup to be able to be a mother.
Maria's friend Johnny asks for Maria's help with his great-aunt's death. While investigating the care home's questionable methods, Maria is drawn to Johnny.
Maria investigates the murder of a young man at a party. Anu and Koivu's relationship stings Maria, but she has to try to save what can be saved in her own life.
Maria investigates an execution and has to step into an undercover role and to weigh her loyalty. She says yes to Antti's proposal. But is it already too late?