
Medic is an American medical drama that aired on NBC beginning in 1954. Medic was television's first doctor drama to focus attention on medical procedures. Created by its principal writer James E. Moser, Medic tried to create realism which would typify medical shows from then on. Moser had previously written for the radio shows Dragnet and Dr. Kildare. He went on to write the television series Ben Casey.

Genre: Drama,


Creator: James E. Moser,

Country: United States of America,

Type: tv

Season: 2

Episode: N/A

Duration: 30 minutes

Release: 1954-09-13

Rating: 5.7

Season 1 - Medic
A young husband must inform his pregnant wife that she's been diagnosed with fatal leukemia. Concern now shifts to the expected baby's survival. Dr. Styner wages an extended battle in the delivery room for the newborn's survival.
Eight-year old Jonno's speech is garbled because of a cleft palate he was born with. Now kids mock him and he's retreating into a lonely world of his own. Grandfather's too elderly to do anything. What can teenage brother Pete do to help.
After collapsing on stairs, winsome young Annie is discovered to have a heart condition. Now doctors must operate to save her, but can they after her heart stops.
On the way westward in the year 1867, a wagon train in a barren wilderness is suddenly hit by an outbreak of Cholera, and the one doctor among them is at odds to contain it.
An alcoholic wife and mother of two faces the nearly overwhelming prospect of going through withdrawal and overcoming cirrhosis of the liver before she can begin the more difficult process of attempting to conquer her addiction to drink.
A father has a car accident leaving his 10 year old son in a coma. As a team of specialists attempts to save the boy's life, his family tries to deal with the anger and guilt.
A dramatization of the outbreak of pneumonic plague in Los Angeles in 1924. The title refers to the 10-day period with no new cases, which must be waited out before the quarantine can be lifted.
A pianist, blind since childbirth, learns he can regain his sight with a corneal transplant. This delicate operation involves the substitution of a new cornea for the injured one, in this case scarred by exposure to lime.
One stormy night a soaking wet woman arrives at hospital and announces she is about to have a baby. In addition to the complications of a difficult birth she bears the secret that she is unwed and alone.
Swedish immigrant Albert plays viola in a symphony orchestra. But his hearing is getting worse, so he's let go. Also, his social life is being held back. An operation can correct the problem, but will it stay fixed, and how to pay.
A young and healthy woman is diagnosed with breast cancer only a week before her wedding. Surgery must be performed as soon as possible. She becomes depressed and contemplates suicide.
A young woman is wheeled in, victim of a holiday road accident. Doctors pour over her, determining extent of injuries. The tipsy driver responsible, her employer, callously wants to get on with his life. Entry serves as holiday warning.
An elderly widow, who lives with her son and his family, feels unwanted. As a result, she instigates arguments in the household. Eventually her gloom leads her to drastic action.
Following the death of his aunt/guardian, a 17-year-old epileptic is methodically treated with medication and extensive counseling in order that he may be able to live a comparatively normal life with a caring foster family.
Obsessively self-reliant Dr. Robert Parker faces an uncertain future and an extended period of reliance on an iron lung (and on other people) after he contracts a case of polio.
Eleven-year old Danny is a hemophiliac, even a slight injury can cause death. He's cut his arm and the doctors must halt the bleeding. Now his older sister worries that she too may be subject to the genetic disease.
This "what-if" episode imagines what would happen in the event of a nuclear strike on Los Angeles. Dr. Styner and his colleagues are at a warehouse outside the city for a training session, but must try to make their way back to the devastated city after the nuclear attack. Along the way they try to treat and save as many injured and radiation-poisoned patients as they can with what little medicine they have and are forced by circumstances to decide which patients can be saved--and which ones they'll have to let die.
An aging actor has been a paraplegic for five years. Confined to bed, he turns to the bottle, maundering over his situation. That is, until a public health nurse arrives. Now he feels sensations in his legs. Is it just wishful thinking.
In 1884, pioneering surgeon Dr. William Stewart Halstead finds that he and three colleagues are slowly but surely becoming seriously addicted to the cocaine that they have been using in anesthetic self-experiments.
A quiet, sedate, middle-aged bank cashier suddenly begins to exhibit strange and disturbing behavior. After a thorough examination, a medical team decides that his problem can best be treated by electroshock therapy.
A young wife and mother is suddenly stricken with a brain aneurysm. Now the couple must decide between short-term treatment hoping for no recurrence, or risk delicate brain surgery to remedy the problem.
An abandoned baby grows up in a hospital ward when an extensive series of surgical procedures is necessary to repair the damage caused when the infant's mother forced her to ingest caustic household lye.
Shortly before completing his residency and beginning his own practice, a resident internist is stunned when a routine chest X-Ray reveals that he has contracted an active case of tuberculosis.
After suffering a severe head injury, a newspaper editor struggles through a lengthy rehabilitative process .
Two mothers leave their children, a little girl and a baby boy, alone downstairs. The girl discovers a lighter and starts a blaze that engulfs them both. At the hospital, one mother holds the other responsible for what happened.
An injured sailor is helicoptered onto a naval hospital ship for treatment. There the head doctor suddenly starts treating his staff angrily. It appears he has a personal stake in the sailor's survival.
The blow to a child's head causes not only brain damage, but a dysfunctional family, as the members try to cope with the girl's problems.
Dr. Canfield is a family physician with a troubled marriage trying to balance the needs and demands of his patients with those of his family .

Season 2 - Medic
Pretty, young Helen has a collapsing colon. Unless she consents to surgery to open up a new elimination canal and container bag, she will die. But what will that mean to a young woman's self-image and life style. Daring topic for its time.
Unaware that he has developed diabetes, a struggling young prizefighter who is also a gifted artist endangers his life by continuing to push himself in order to earn the money needed to further his education.
Immediately after giving birth to her fourth child, Frances Dunbar develops a severe case of postpartum depression and becomes convinced that she can (and will) violently murder the baby.
After unsuccessfully attempting to kill her baby, Frances Dunbar voluntarily admits herself to a state psychiatric institution where she receives treatment that slowly helps her to realize the reasons for her troubled mental state.
A young boy, neglected by his wealthy parents, builds a dream world of his own with the help of his tattered teddy bear, Mr. Bodine. This aggravates his asthmatic condition, as he is allergic to the teddy bear.
When Gwen Kellogg becomes depressed, modern treatment helps restore her to health
Dr. Styner offers advice and support when a 17-year-old track star develops severe acne and chronic fatigue due to stresses caused by his demanding mother's determination to see him achieve his father's dream of Olympic stardom.
A citrus farmer gets married at age 45. He then wants a son but is unable to have one. He visits the doctor to get help.
Little known but true story about an Army doctor who tried to save Abraham Lincoln's life. Dr. Charles A. Leale was in the audience at Ford's Theater when John Wilkes Booth fired the fatal shot at President Lincoln. For 12 hours Leale and two other doctors worked desperately against death.
Comic strip artist Dick Hooper does a nationally syndicated feature called "Salty", but he can't make his due dates for finished cartoons because he's become obsessed with germs and various muscle and stomach pains that doctors can't locate. He's become a raging hypochondriac that's about to lose his wife and career.
A county coroner's investigation will exonerate or incriminate a distraught spinsterish woman who was alone with her younger sister's baby boy when the infant died suddenly and unexpectedly.
During World War Two, pilots are able to take aircraft higher and higher, but they keep fainting out when parachuting out. A young doctor proceeds to do experiments back in the states on the most likely of these pilots to falter. Controlled high altitude simulations prove dangerous, but necessary.
The story of the contribution of the anesthesiologist to medicine. An elderly woman must undergo a thyroid operation. A large part of the success of such an operation is in the deft hands and decisions of the anesthesiologist.
Due to circumstances at home, a young man needs to help take care of his mom and ailing father. He can't finish college and resorts to Professional Wrestling to make money. Can he restore his appearance and his dignity?
An elderly judge who has no close relatives is taken seriously ill. After he collapses, his ailment is diagnosed as a pancreatic tumor.
A successful photographer's model is told she is a victim of multiple sclerosis. Her unsympathetic husband decides he now wants a divorce.
Leprosy victim Allan Connolly is finally pronounced healthy and fit to resume a productive life in normal society, but he and his wife are unprepared for the rejection and irrational fear evinced by their friends and neighbors.
This is the story of Alexis St. Martin, a young fur trapper who was shot in the side and was used by Dr. William Beaumont for research into the function of the human digestive system.
A troubled woman has given birth to a baby by Caesarian section and has lost the will to live. She is put in the care of nurse Clara Mary Gallagher, who is retiring the next day after 39 years of service.
This is the story of years of research to discover the cause of blindness in prematurely born infants.
An old man is the only family left for his crippled grandson. He's worried about his ability to carry on, and after a painful heart incident, he's convinced he'll soon be dead and his helpless charge will be doomed, so he decides they should go together and leaves the gas pipe open as they sleep.
An arrogant and self-aggrandizing singer's relentless drive for success is unceremoniously halted when he learns that his hoarseness is not due to vocal overwork, but to a potentially malignant cancer of the larynx.
Although resigned to the fact that he had an incurable heart ailment, a man is badgered by his wife into going to a doctor. Tonight's story concerns radiology, and viewers see the UCLA medical center and its cancer-treating cobalt bomb.
A father, grateful to a doctor for saving his daughter's life, offers to finance the much-needed equipment for his office.
Navy surgeon saves life of sailor injured in sea explosion.
Dr. Styner stops to help a married couple involved in an automobile accident, but finds himself on trial for medical malpractice when the wife subsequently and surprisingly becomes addled and partially paralyzed on her left side.
A man develops a crippling arthritic spinal condition.
After sending his wife away, Jim falls again and his condition worsens to the point where he decides to undergo experimental surgery on his spine.
This is the story of a young girl named Mary. She has a weak heart due to a defective heart valve. Doctors race to operate on her after she collapses at a dance she attended with her classmates.
It's summer vacation and Jenny is a 12 year old girl with a club foot. Her parents are worried about her "ugly deformity" as they refer to it, and whether anybody will marry her when she's older. They take her to see a specialist to see if he can surgically repair her club foot.
Promising 19-year-old ballerina Laurie Allen's 1947 death from cancer becomes a personal obsession for newspaper reporter Joe Bailey, who conducts a series of interviews that he hopes will reveal the true story behind her untimely demise.