Miss Electra, Leech Man, Hiccup Horror, Bouncing Bikes, Cheese Whiz House, Sheep Legs, Flesh Eating Bacteria Survivor, Nail Teeth Puller, World's Biggest Kite, Cricket Girl, Bicycle Tire Clothing, Coconut Armor, Ox Power Truck
Double Harley Pull, Shark Riders, High Speed Wheelie, Pocket Ski Lift, Fiery Serpent, Matchstick Navy, Beak Job, Metal Plate Model, Human Bottle Opener, Bull Putter, Underwater Hairdresser, Cricket Invasion, Garter Belt Camera
Super Skin, Scorpion Eater, Car Tree, House Sewage Snow, Hair Dress, Matchstick Navy, Beak Job, Scuba Diving Cat, Eye Impalement, Chainsaw Couple, Homemade Sub, Leopard Man, Beetle Jewelry, Martyr Head
Arrow Catch, Four Flip Skier, Blindfold Portraits, Surfing Dog, Knife Massage, Four Limb Writer, Head Bolted to Body, Flying Icicle, Man Without A Face Update, Bikini Slalom, Eight Foot Rifle, Spot The Not
Playmate Water Challenge, Head Turner, Homemade Roller Coaster, Rotten Meat Eater, Head In The Sand, Motorcycle Disaster, Scooter Nuns, Grand Popsicle- Paw Stand Beagle, The Arm, Spot The Not
Airplane Water Ski, Monkey Siblings, Yo-Yo Kid, Mini Luxury Ship, Wheelman, Anvil Launching, Allergic To Insects, Diving Dog, Armless In Miami Temple Crawler, Mummified Falcon, Electric Clothing, Spot The Not