Sifl & Olly Show
The Sifl and Olly Show is a comedy TV series that used sock puppets, animation, and music. Musicians Liam Lynch and Matt Crocco, friends since childhood, created and performed the series. The first episode aired on MTV in 1997. The show was cancelled in 1999. The characters, along with new material, currently appear on Liam Lynch's podcast entitled Lynchland.
Type: tv
Season: 3
Episode: N/A
Duration: 30 minutes
Release: 1998-07-14
Rating: 6
Season 1 - Sifl & Olly Show
Intro: Handle It
Interview: Stealth
Rock Fact: What Mysterious Coincidence Links Prodigy to Pink Floyd?
Song: "It's Okay (Cindy's The Hostess)"
Chat: Stealing Tires
Precious Roy: Lice Monkeys
Calls: Loser Elvis, ATM Card, Landlord (Monkeys)
Chester: Tap Dancing Tribe
Rock Fact: What Strange Power Links Mariah Carey To Marine Life?
Chat: Holographic Barbie Van
Interview: Champs 1 on the Moon
Calls: Problem in the Bathroom, Test Cheater
Almost The End: "Rock & Roll Show"
Waking With Ruby / Song: ""Answer My Phone"" / Rock Fact: Which Female Lead Singers' Life Depends On A Rare Gem? / News: Olly Did Anita Zest / Answer to last Rock Fact *Note: Although the audio part of the answer is fine, the on-screen question says ""What Mysterious Coincidence Links Prodigy to Pink Floyd?"" / Precious Roy's Pet Piercer / Song: ""World Music"" / Calls: Counterfiter, Devil Daughter, Abe Lincoln / Chester Donut / Rock Fact: Are Rumors True That Sugar Ray Can Fly? / Hidden Passage (Lincoln Background) / Interview: Tooth Fairy / Song: ""Tooth Decay""
Intro: Déjà Vu
Interview: Show Waiting (Functions of the Family)
Calls: Prank Caller, Mrs. Olly (Cigarettes)
Rock Fact: What sultry artist mysteriously appeared to frontline soldiers during Desert Storm?
Song: "She's A Carrot"
Chat: Ice Age
Precious Roy: Sasquatch Feeder
News: Aesop Jones (Doughnuts)
Calls: Landlord (Windmill), Taster, Jealous Robot
Chester: Letters (Dreams)
Rock Fact: How does the Pope get his daily dose of the Beastie Boys?
Chat: Secret Passageways
Interview: Hitchhikers
Almost The End: "Just What I Needed"
Breakfast Serial / Calls: Box, Tongue Twister / Rock Fact: What Is The Secret Link Between Baywatch & Bjork? / Song: ""Claire Danes"" / Precious Roy's Pirate Crippler / News: Cheeze Boy / Song: ""Beat Boxing"" / Star Wars Calls / Chester: Bacon In The Morning / Rock Fact: What Female Pop Singer Left 300lbs Men In Pools Of Their Own Blood? / Star Worlds / Song: ""The Star Wars Song""
We're Sifl & Olly / Interview: Grout, Rex Morgan Night Golfer / Calls: Bears Attack, Mexican Jumping Bean Bag, IRS / Rock Fact: What Strange Ritual Do The Beastie Boys Perform To Stay In Shape? / Song: "Weird Day" / Precious Roy's Insta-Jerky / News: Olly Won't Do The News / Calls: Waffles In The VCR, Im So Short, In Florida..., Needs A Scarehooker / Chester: Pegasis / Rock Fact: What Hidden Talent Does Celene Dion Hide From Her Fans? / Bad Plants / Song:"Fake Blood"
Blacklisted Nursery Rhymes / Calls: Problem in the Bathroom, Cheater, Landlord (Waterslide) / Rock Fact: What Human Oddity Will Forever Link Bjork & Will Smith? / Song: "Country Boy Song" / Precious Roy's Night Vision Goggles / News: Olly Won't Do The News / Calls: D&D Wizard Has Herpes, Wart Gems, Take Me Back To Mary's House / Chester: Pet Peeve / Rock Fact: What Is Queen Latifa's Real name? / Interview: Giganticus the Elephant / Song: "Lullaby Song"
Sifl's Robot / Chester's sign, Chester clucks / Rock Fact: What Did The Band U2 Use For Power Instead of Electricty To Create Their Albums? / Interview: Battery / Robot sings "I Know What Boys Like" (Originaly by The Waitresses) / Chester's Too Sexy / Interviews Woody Wilson, Boy in the Plastic Bubble / Rock Fact: Which Singer Could Destroy The World The Easiest If He or She Was A Giant Turtle? / Precious Roy's Squirrel Zapper / Olly Does News For The Animals / Song: "Performance Art"
Interview with scanners / Rock Fact: Which Is The Only Artist To Have His or Her Face Carved Into Mt. Rushmore? / Song: "Star Pilot" / Precious Roy's Civil War Corpses / Calls: More gravy, Sifl, Olly's Mom (Olly is Slouching) / Chester Joins The Band / Rock Fact: Why Did Abba Cross The Road? / Pizza Tie / Peto & Flek (Car Fixed) / Calls: Box, Cres Dude / Chester sings "Stolen Holiday"
Pac-Man The Movie / Via Satelite to Black Hole / Rock Fact: How Did The Band Jethro Tull Get Their Name? / Song: "Convoy" (Originaly by C.W. McCall) / Precious Roy's CAT-Scan Goggles / MC Olly raps the News / Calls: Freddy (of Scooby-Doo, I'm Wasted, Yoga accident) / Chester: Gonna Do Some Gardening / Rock Fact: How Is The Band Menudo Linked To Heavy Metal? / Johnson High School Marching Band / Calls: D&D Wizard Has Herpes / Song: "Delores"
Chester's Pet Fax Machine / Rock Fact: How Did The Band Pink Floyd Get Their Name? / Song: "Oh, When I'm Dead" / Precious Roy's Chicken Flavored Air-Conditioning / News: Cheeze Boy / Calls: Cody, King Of Japan, UFO Pictures / Chester'll Take You Roller Skating / Rock Fact: What Classic Rock Bands Albums Are Extremely Important To NASA's Space Explorations? / Song: "You're off the handball team" (Orange & Blue Strobe) / Drummers that never made it into KISS / Song: "Rock Balls"
Intro: Tough To Do Every Day
Interview: Dirk Steiner
Calls: Landlord (Monkeys), Kinky Fork
Rock Fact: What fashion designer moonlights as a frontman for a popular heavy metal band?
Song: "Monkeys and Dogs and Cats and Chicks and Dudes and Trucks and Cars (and Ten-Speeds)"
Chat: Mouse-Driven Pigeons
Precious Roy: Home Pregnancy Test
News: Thought Helmet
Calls: Box, Tongue Twisters, Too Many Dares
Chester: Bubbles
Rock Fact: What does the Wu Tang Clan have in common with The Grateful Dead and Björk?
Chat: Drink the Potion
Interview: Poets
Almost The End: "Beat Poet"
Bug on TV / Smoosh TV / Rock Fact: What 50's Rocker First Job Could Best Be Described Through A Tongue Twister? / Song: "World Music" / Precious Roy's Bottomless Pool / Calls: Eddie, Illume, Olly's Mom (Cigarettes) / Chester: Ice Cream Truck / Rock Fact: What Rocker Was David Copperfield's Magic Assistant? / Song: "Dude's House" / News: Weather Robot / Interview with the Sun / Chester sings Song: "Seasons In the Sun" (Originaly by Terry Jacks)
"You're off the handball team" / Interviews:Door Salesman, Tree Gynocologist, Mase Tester / Rock Fact: 'Which rocker could actually live for up to 7 week without his head? / Song: "Girl named Tina / Precious Roy All Purpose-Muzzle / News: Olly Thought Helmet (Help ME!) / Calls: Bathroom Problems, Math Test, Landlord (waterslide) / Chester: Balls Out / Rock Fact: What Would Happen If You Cooked & Ate A Jamiroquoi CD? / Interview: Clixby Decimal / Calls: Cres Dude (Sandles) / Song: "The Math Song"
Interview: Champs 1 (Crackers) / Rock Fact: What Do Bill Cosby & Female Rock Star Bjork Share In Common? / Song: "The Haunted Spaceship" / Precious Roy's Miracle Dirt / Interview: 102yr Old Centerfold, Magic Mushroom / News: Extreme Cooking (Dynamite Mac & Cheeze) / Calls: Bears Attack, Mexican Jumping Bean Bag, IRS / Chester's Language of Love / Rock Fact: Stay Tuned For A Strange But True Fact About Michael Nesmiths Mother / Sifl plays Vegas / Song: "Rock Stars"
Intro: Déjà Vu
Interview: Vernon Merbyl
News: Serena Dumps Sifl
Rock Fact: What male singer has been in every single rock band since 1975?
Song: "Crescent Fresh"
Song: "Llama School"
Chat: African Amusement Park
Precious Roy: Mood Tooth
Calls: Wilma, Jargon Scott, Enterprise Inc.
Chester: Language of Love
Rock Fact: What do you do if you can't think of a good rock fact for the day?
Rock!: Beatboxing
Interview: Peto & Flek
Almost The End: ""Rock & Roll Friends"
Interview with The Orgasm & G-Spot / Rock Fact: What Rapper Has The Most Costly Hair Style In The World? / Song: "Party at Dude's House" / Precious Roy's Scare-Hooker / Calls: Juan's Lover, Aftershave Drinker / Chester Interviews an Alien / Rock Fact: What Is The Shocking Inspiration Behind Pearl Jam's Name? / Interview: 102yr Old Centerfold, Magic Mushroom / Song: "Pico to Colorado (Llama School)"
Intro: Gathering Oneself
Interview: Jessica Edwards Spelling Bee 2000
Rock Fact: Which rock star was also a famous race horse?
Song: "Spitter"
Chat: Cinderland
Precious Roy: Parrot Tranquilizers
News: Serious Anchor
Calls: Internet Lover, Sandals, Tapeworm Advice
Rock!: "Rock Balls"
Chester: Byrd
Which rock star had the highest GPA in college?
Chat: Wondo's Chocolate Factory
Interview: Bloopers, Blunders, and Boo-Boos
Almost The End: "Laser Eyes"
Interview with The Center of an Atom / Rock Fact: What Rock Band Strikes Fear In The Heart Of All Dentists? / Sifl & Olly play New Wave "Gravy For Baby" / Precious Roy's TV Diapers / Song: ""Fake Blood"" / Calls: Landlord (Monkeys), Fork, Bob Wart from Monkeyland / News: Anita Zest / Chester breaks the air-hockey table / Rock Fact: What Fact About Stevie Wonder Do Most History Books Fail To Tell You? / Olly as Pat Lacy The Inventor / Song: "Girl in the Spooky Car"
Interview with Mars / Mrs. Olly Calls (Olly is Slouching) / Rock Fact: What Canadian Rocker Unravelled The Mysteries From Within The Candy Corn? / "Sifl & Olly Rap" / Precious Roy's Edible Sandles / News: Psychic Traffic Report / Calls: St. Peter, Mayor of Transylvania, Goth Girl / Chester: Cody's Van / Rock Fact: How Are The Great Pyramids Linked To Rock & Roll? / Interview with Death / Song: "Don't Fear The Reaper"(Originaly by Blue Oyster Cult)
Cereal Salesmen / Rock Fact: Which Rapper Can Actually Lift 500X His Own Weight? / Song: "He's Up There In the Cabinet" / Calls: Eddie / Precious Roy's Ass-Lift 800 / News: Grout / Perverted calls from the public: Corn Girl, Sticky Hands, Cindy the Hooker / Chester: Fantasy Love Date / Rock Fact: Which Classic Rocker Had The Most Profound Effect On Communication? / Sex Girl / Song: "Prostitute's Laundry"
Season 2 - Sifl & Olly Show
Sex Girl Intro / Calls: Cres Dude (Uncres), Webby Avalton, Mindblow / Chester: Tranquilized / Song: "Hawaiian Rap" / Precious Roy's Hooker Monkeys / Interview: Sex Girl Returns / Kickin' It Old School: ""Prostitute Laundry" / Interview: Cooking With Aesop Jones (Waffles) / Letters to Chester: Picture Pose / Song: "Hair Of The Dog (Now You're Messin' With A Son of a Bitch)"
Sifl & Olly Go To The Mall / Chester Wants to Watch / Song: "Heart Of Glass" (Originaly by Blondie) / Precious Roy's Cannibal Cookbook / Calls: E-Mailer, Aguaman, Babe (Paul Bunyon's Ox) / Kickin' It Old School: "Claire Danes" / Interview: The Internet / Letter To Chester: First Memory / Song: "I Got Vibes"
Calls: Nail in the Head, Julio (Bird) / Chester: Squirrels / Song: "Lonely Sexy Heart (Robot Ballad)" / Precious Roy's Electric Teeth Whitening System / Interview: America's Funniest Home Faces of Tragedy / Kickin' It Old School: "Haunted Spaceship" / Interview: Via Sattellite to The Earth / Letter to Chester: Crazy With The Women / Song: Chester Sings "Going up the Country"
Calls: Pet Snake, Pet Fish, Quiet / Chester: Psychic, Language of Love / Song: "Dr. Booty" / Precious Roy's Magnetic Babysitter / Olly's Rasberry Flashback / Interview: Stuntman Click Whittaker (Blender) / Kickin' It Old School: "It's Okay (Cindy's The Hostess)" / Interview: Bloopers, Blunders & Boo Boos (Puking Dog) / Chester's "Pet" / Song: "The Panda (Chapter 1)"
Intro: The Camera Is On
Calls: Jeep Problem, Mrs. Olly, Bike Pump
Chester: Blanket Fort
Song: "Blister In the Sun"
Chat: Geese
Precious Roy: Self-Defense Kit
Interview: The Royal Family of Atlantis
Old School: "Convoy"
Chat: Interior Decorator
Interview: X Show
Letters: Clear Skin
Almost The End: "Partytime Loser"
Intro: Ninja Exams
Calls: Rayanne, Toilet, Landlord (Mining)
Chester: Cereal Factory
Song: "Leader Of the Gang"
Chat: Jimmy's Vest
Precious Roy: Security Landscaping
Interview: Kip the Burglar
Old School: "Spitter"
Chat: Kelly the Van Driver
Interview: Ninja Exams
Letters: Heaviest Experience
Almost The End: "Ninja Of the Night"
Calls: Ninja Rayanne, Toilet, Landlord (Mining Operation) / Chester: Cereal Factory / Song: "Leader of the Gang" / Precious Roy's Security Landscaping / Interview: Kip the Burglar / Kickin' It Old School: "Gravity Defying" / Interview: Ninja Final Exam / Chester: Gravity / Song: "Ninja of the Night"
Season 3 - Sifl & Olly Show