The Flying Doctors

The Flying Doctors is an Australian drama series produced by Crawford Productions that revolved around the everyday lifesaving efforts of the real Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia. It was initially a 1985 mini-series based in the fictional outback town of Cooper's Crossing starring Andrew McFarlane as the newly arrived Dr. Tom Callaghan. The success of the mini series led to its return the following year as an on-going series with McFarlane being joined by a new doctor, Chris Randall, played by Liz Burch. McFarlane left during the first season and actor Robert Grubb came in as new doctor Geoff Standish. The series' episodes were mostly self-contained but also featured ongoing storylines, such as Dr. Standish's romance with Sister Kate Wellings. Other major characters included pilot Sam Patterson, mechanic Emma Plimpton, local policeman Sgt. Jack Carruthers and Vic and Nancy Buckley, who ran the local pub/hotel, The Majestic. Andrew McFarlane also later returned to the series, resuming his role as Dr. Callaghan. The popular series ran for nine seasons and was successfully screened internationally.

Genre: Drama,



Country: Australia, United States of America,

Type: tv

Season: 9

Episode: N/A

Duration: 50 minutes

Release: 1986-05-15

Rating: 6.1

Season 1 - The Flying Doctors
Tom and Kate are on a clinicround. It's Tom's birthday. There they see a patient named Ted, who complains of stomach-ache. His family situation isn't the best, he doesn't care about his sons and they don't care about him. He is taken to hospital, where he finally makes up with his family. A new doctor, Chris Randall, arrives and everybody is upset that the RFDS headoffice sent a female doctor, especially Violet. Chris has to go out to see a patient with a smashed leg. She does everything she can to help the patient, Jim Spencer. But he really needs to go to hospital. They move Jim to the plane, but the weather is too rough, and Ray, the pilot, can't take off. They have to take Jim back to the house, and Chris makes a very difficult decision - she has to amputate Jim's leg to save his life, despite mrs. Spencer's vishes.
Chris has horrible nightmares about the amputation. Everybody is accusing her, they are convinced that she could have treated Jim Spencer without taking off his leg. Her patients avoid her, and George Baxter even threatens to sue her. A few days later Chris is out on an overnight clinic where she finds a four-year-old girl with croup. It gets very bad, and Tom decides to come. For some reason George Baxter is on the plane as well. Chris realizes that Tom won't be able to get there in time, so she needs to do a tracheotomy(?) (it's when you make a little whole in the patients windpipe, so he/she will be able to breath).The girl's mother won't let Chris perform the rather simple procedure, she has heard what happened to Jim Spencer. Tom tries to talk to her over the radio but she won't listen. So Tom maked George Baxter understand that the little girl will die if Chris doesn't operate, and Baxter talks to the mother on the radio. he claims he has been wrong about Chris all the time an
An english family, the Robertsons, arrives in Coopers Crossing, looking for work. They get a tip that a farmer outside town needs workers so they decide to go there. However, they get lost, and have to stay in the car over night. The next morning, the man goes for help and tells his wife to stay near the car with their two sons, Alfred and Alexander, and babydaughter. It is incredably hot and mr. Roberson gets dehydrated and finally collapses. Since the family didn't show up at all at the farm where they were expected, a search is organized. They find mr. Robertson, and he will be ok. At the car, mrs. Robertson has been really angry with the two boys and they run off. When they want to go back they discover they are lost. The search party manages to find the car where mrs. Robertson is very worried about her sons. Eventually the two boys are found, but too late - one of them died of dehydration.
Hurtle comes back to town, but he says he won't stay. He's going up to the coast. Tom, Kate and Chris are visiting an old man called Rabbit. When they're about to leave Rabbit is blowing a new minehole (he is looking for opals), but he has an accident. He is not badly injured though. But Chris is upset about the conditions he lives under. She wants him admitted to the hospital but Tom says no. Vic and Ron wonders why Hurtle is going up the coast. Hurtle offers Ron to buy the garage and Ron tries to get a loan, which is refused. Hurtles shows some slides at the base, but Sharon, Gibbo and Kate sneek out. By mistake Hurtle shows some pictures of a woman. Everybody is very curious about her but Hurtle doesn't say who she is. Vic discovers Sharon and Gibbo sneeking out and is very angry. He doesn't want Gibbo staying at the pub, so Gibbo moves in with Tom. Rabbit has a serious mineaccident, and is discovered by a neighbour. Gibbo, Tom and Chris flies out here and saves Rabbit in
Bruce is coming to Coopers Crossing to get married. He's never met the bride to be, they have only written letters. When Joylene arrives it turns out that she is pregnant. Bruce (and everybody else) get really upset, and Bruce says he doesn't want to marry her anymore. Tom feels sorry for Joylene, who really wanted to marry Bruce, so he lets her stay at his place. Finally Bruce's brother proposes to Joylene and the get married. When she's having the baby, they name him Bruce, which makes the ""old"" Bruce pretty happy.
A lady called Debbie Wilson shows up in town to fight for the aboriginies. She wants to find sacred places and make sure that the aboriginals have acess to these places. Many of the people in Coopers Crossing get upset, and when Tom invites Debbie to dinner they think things have gone too far. A man called Don Shepard knows about sacred places, but he won't tell Debbie. He doesn't do that because one of the sacred places is situated on George Baxter's land, and Baxter is paying Don not to tell anyone. But after a while Don takes Debbie to the spot, and it turns out everything is a fake. Don painted the false picture and the ""sacred"" place himself to get payed from Baxter. Debbie leaves Coopers Crossing and everything goes back to normal again.
Andrew Cameron is a farmer and very successful in everything he does. He demands his son, Matt, to be just as successful as he is, which of course is impossible. Finally Matt breaks into the Nomad and steels some drugs and tries to kill himself. He is rescued by the RFDS though. Tom finds an old woman, Ruth Pitt, in a tent outside town, where she lives with her retarded son Hugh. Ruth has a bad heart, and she dies, so they have to send Hugh to a home. It feels a bit sad, since everybody liked him so much.
Prue is pregnant and staying at a couple she says is her aunt and onkel. She delivers the baby on the baby but it requires help from the RFDS since the baby is in a wrong position. Prue doesn't want to look at her child at all, and it turns out the couple isn't her relatives. They just want to buy her baby! But Prue changes her mind and wants to keep her child. Hurtle and Ron are babysitting, when some gunpowder blows up in Ron's face. He will be ok but has to go to Syndey for treatment.
An international rally comes to Coopers Crossing which makes everyone excited. A driver called Sandra spends lots of time with Gibbo and Chris has dinner with a french driver. This makes Tom jealous, but when he finds out nothing happened he and Chris kiss! Emma Plimpton arrives in Coopers Crossing, she Hurtle's niece and a trained mechanic.
Emma is upset with Hurtle, the garage's economy is a mess, Hurtle never demands people to pay their bills which makes it impossible for him to pay his! So Emma has to his dirty work for him. Violet finds out she's got diabetes, but doesn't take care of it and collapses. Finally Tom makes her realize she can live a great life, even though she's a diabetic.
One of Sharon's friends is going out with a boy named Max, and she goes to Chris to get the pill. Linda gets them on the farmacy, but Violet sees her, and soon everybody knows about it. Linda's mother is more or less seing George Baxter, and he gets really upset! he talks to Frank, Tom and Chris, and threatens to sue Chris for doing this. Linda suspects that she's already pregnant and she and Max run off. They're involved in a car-accident, and Linda looses her baby.
Tom and Gibbo has to land in the middle of nowhere after a clinicround. They come to an old cabin where they find a man and his dying mother. They also find the man's daugther Amanda who has lived there isolated in her whole life. When the old lady dies Tom promises to bring Amanda to town, but this upsets the man. He later comes into town to persuade Amanda to come back. She refuses and he kills himself.
RFDS gets an emergecny call from Adrian Bailey, son of the wealthy Rex Bailey, who is out cycling in the bush. Everybody says he shouldn't go on, he doen't know anything about the bush. But he ignores them. After a while they get another call from him, but at the same time there's an emergencycall - a 7-year old boy with 50% burns. Tom chooses to go to the boy first, but when they come to Adrian he's dead! A very rude reporter is there, and he makes it sound it was all Tom's fault Adrian died. Rex arrives in town and after reading the papers he also blames Tom. But Sharon talks to him, and he understands it wasn't Tom's fault.
Sharon tells everybody that she is moving to Sydney to study. She's going to be a socialworker. Everybody at the base is happy for her but Gibbo is a bit upset about Sharon not telling him she applied. Nancy is sad about Sharon leaving, but Vic's really angry. He and Sharon fights about it, but Sharon does go, eventually. There's a man, Jim Dawson, who is going crazy at a pub after drinking very much, where he also get serious cuts to his face. He just rides off, and when Tom and Jack comes they go after him. Jim is in a really bad shappe so they bring him home to his wife. This has happened a lot of times before, but now he really want to change things. His wife, Peg doesn't believe him, and she leaves him.
Gibbo, Ron and Emma meets a woman named Clare Dobson on the road where her car broke down. Gibbo gives her a ride back to town and Ron promises to fix her car. It's obvious that they are competing over her. Nancy is helping out on the base after Sharon left. Joe offered her the job, which makes Tom and Chris a bit upset. The war-memorial is coming up, and everybody is excited. Everybody except Chris. She thinks it's horrible to celebrate war, and she's arguing about it at the base. This really upsets Joe, and Chris finds out that he experienced some terrible things when he was in Vietnam. Later it turns out that Clare Dobson was Violet's granddaughter, which of course makes Violet very happy! Details
Tom sees some horrible pictures of starving kids in Africa and starts thinking of going there to help. Chris thinks they're about to get married and tells Violet - which means the whole town knows. But Tom tells Chris he's made up his mind, he'll go to Africa. The talk in the town just says Tom will leave the outback and everybody thinks he'll go into town to start his own clinic. This hurts Tom a lot, but when he tells the truth, everybody apologizes. But the whole town, especially Chris, is sad when he leaves.
The new doctor, Geoff Standish arrives, a really bragging citydoctor. He gets drunk one night, when he was on call, which upsets Chris terribly. Geoff tells her he came to the outback because his wife died of cancer. He was to busy working and didn't notice until it was to late, and he takes the blame for her death. They meet a man called Les Foster, who is gay, and has found out he has got aids. He gets worse all the time, and finally dies.
Kate is at George Baxter's place giving vaccin-shots. They run into bad weather during a ride and comes to a shed. George is hit by lightning, and has a seizure. It turns out he might have epilepcy. Violet is organizing the Miss Coopers Crossing contest, and manages to talk Emma into entering. She wins over a stroppy girl called Melissa Cumberland-Brown.
A family, the Morgans, has to sell their property, and George Baxter buys it for his company. This makes the Morgans pretty upset. Nancy has done some tests with Geoff and the results show some cellular changes in her utures, it's cancer. They have to make a small operation. After the operation it shows that the cancer has spread and they have to perform a hystorectomy (to remove the whole utures), but Nancy refuses. She and Vic argues a lot about it, and this makes Sharon come back from Sydney for a while. But she can't make Vic understand why Nancy refuses to have the operation. Sharon talks to Geoff and Chris to get some advice. Finally she makes Vic understand and he talks to Nancy. She decides to have the operation, and it's a success, they managed to get rid of the whole cancer!
The base gets a call, a boy has got shot and Chris flies out. She does her best, but the boy dies. The weather is really bad, so they can't fly the body back to town. Jack and dr. Turner agrees that Chris should do the autopsy at the spot. She feels bad about it, but does it anyway. Geoff gets a telegram, a job-offer from Sydney, and Violet finds out. Which means the whole town knows pretty soon. Kate is really upset about Geoff leaving, and the rest of the town as well. Finally Geoff decides to stay, and everybody appologizes.
Gibbo demands vacation, and the only release-pilot is an old man called Frank Watson, known as Fearless Frank. He is a very good pilot but sometimes he takes riskes. He really likes this woman called Val. She called the RFDS, but she's a hypocondric, so Chris didn't want to go. Frank went on his own but after picking Val up he got a stomach-ache and had to make an emergency landing on the road. This meant Gibbo didn't get his vacation after all... Frank ends up in hospital but discharges himself and goes flying. Since he is sick he doesn't have the permission to fly. When he lands he claims this was his last flight, he'll start working for Val!
A girl named Sarah is alone at her and her husband's property when he is off working. She claims she hears someone spying on her and involves as well Jack as Geoff. Finally she sees someone in a window and fires a shotgun. Jack and Dougie traces, it turns out to be one of Sarah's work-friends, who wanted to make sure she was safe all alone out there. Kate is seeing George Baxter but when she finds him with another woman in Broken Hill she quickly ends their relaionship.
The Cochrane-brothers come to town. They end up in hospital after they've been in an accident with explosives - looking for gold! Josie Rattan has a caraccident, but says she's ok. When Geoff finds her unconscious he does some tests, she's got a braintumour. She knows she'll die but don't want to spend her last days in hospital. She finally convinces Geoff to let her go!
A theatre group comes to town, but their director and head-actor, Rick, breaks his leg. In hospital Chris discovers he's got a disease that needs treatment in Sydney but he won't go. Their manager then runs with all their money, but the town help them out. Joe gets a part instead of the one Rick should have had and is a success. He is offered to go with the group but refuses. Rick decides to go to Sydney after all.
Two thieves are troubling everyone, they want pills and medicins to sell to schoolkids. They hassles both Kate and Jack. But one of them is injured and is nearly killed! Chris saves him though. Violet organizes the Queen of the Outback contest in Windoona, but everything goes wrong. Violet and Emma are arguing about clothes and Emma says she's quiting. Chris manages to make a compromise. Than the decorations is wrong, and the band doesn't play the right music. And Violet blames Chris for all of it!
The ""Queen of the Outback"" competition is held in Windoona and Emma wins! On the way back Gibbo has to fly, even though he is on vacation because the other pilot was drunk. The engines catches fire, and he has to do an emergencylanding. Everything seems to be all right, but Gibbo is seriously ill. He has to fly to Broken Hill but on the way he dies. George Baxter is elected new M.P of the district.

Season 2 - The Flying Doctors
Sam and Kate are worrying for a woman named Sal Cleary, she acts a bit odd. They check it out and it turns out her daughter Julie is pregnant. She isn't married but still wants to keep the baby. The family wanted to pretend the baby was Sal's, so both she and Julie has to stay out of sight until the baby is born. At the birth there are some complications but everything goes well eventually and Geoff, Kate and Sam lets everybody think it was Sal's child. There is a political election between George Baxter and a man named Rob Dalton. George wins.
A man called Jim has a car-accident and goes to hospital. His wife, Carol, is acting a bit strange about it. Chris finds out she's dyslectic, but she refuses to admit it. Later her son drinks some medicine, she can't read the bottle and that way everybody finds out she can't read and write over the radio. Sam buys a horse from Carol, who is an extremely good rider, and Sam and Kate are practicing togehter for the big rodeo. Carol doesn't want to ride in the rodeo, she feels embarresed, but she turns out anyway. There's a beer-strike and Hurtle makes some own beer. But suddenly the whole town starts acting really strange. Geoff finds out Hurtle has mixed the alcohol with caffeine, which causes personality changes!
A woman named Barbara Freeman finds out she's got a braindisease. It's hereditary, but her husband Robert won't tell their son Michael, he doesn't want him to worry. But Michael hears it anyway, and steals Baxter's airplane. The plane is grounded, and finally Jack manages to talk him down. DJ wants to start a disco to get the youngsters calm, they've caused lots of trouble. Jack lets him build a gym. Jack's boss Kevin has heard complaints about the youngsters and shows up. He decides to transfer Jack, but when he sees how Jack talked Michael down from the plane he changed his mind. Finally DJ gets his disco and celebrates with a huge party!
A rich man calls Nigel turns up in town. Due to an accident he ends up in hospital. He has got one glass eye, and a melanoma in the other one. He refuses an operation since that would make him completely blind and doesn't care what the others say. Finally Kate and a blind lady convinces him to have the operation. There's a cricket game between the Crossing and Windoona and Nigel manages to get a top national player to play for Coopers Crossing. Sam plays for Windoona, and finally it's him versus Emma - Emma wins and so does the Crossing!!
Jan, Phil and Zoe Buchanon are come to the Crossing to write some articles and takes some photos for a couple of articles. Both Jan and Phil falls down a cliff, which leaves little Zoe all alone. She moves in with Chris. Sam can't stay at the pub, the RFDS can't afford paying the bill anymore, they can only pay 60 dollars a week. Sam moves in with Violet, but then it turns out Vic and Nancy would have let Sam stay at the pub for those 60 dollars. This causes a huge fight between Violet and Nancy! Sam is waiting to see if he will get his permenancy as a pilot of the RFDS,but when the letter comes it turns out he got another six month probation.
A couple gets married. Zoe stays in Chris house. Geoff falls into the water when he's talking to Kate.
A couple get strickened by a employed, Chris is trying to help the woman (Chris thinks it's the husband who hits his wife) Chris and Zoe is fighting- but makes friends again.
Two fellows from town are shooting kangaros. Kate finds a hurted ""Kangaroobaby"" and takes care of it. The guys even shoot ""Father Jacko""- but he makes it. Chris try to get Zoe to meet her real father.
A gang of ""Hippies"" comes to town. zoe talks to her father and Chris got a patient which she hates- he dies. Geoff goes to Sidney but miss the Outback.
It's a single night in Coopers Crossing. Zoe likes a boy who's name is Glen, but he likes Chris. Violet becomes an old grandmother
Sam breaks two of his ribs when ""the Cochrane brother's"" car explodes. Sam, Emma and Geoff are stuck in the nomad out in the outback.
A ""madman"" comes to town. Emma and Sam visits Sams parents. Emma and Sam gets together- and break up again.
Chris and Zoe goes to town to meet Zoe's dad. The guys in town is fishing eel. Sam and Emma is figthing.
Reg Hodges has finally found a piece of gold
A novice pilot takes control of a plane when his instructor brother falls ill.
Violet wants to die when she finds out that her grandfathers father killed a lots of aborigines. Kate and Geoff ignore each other.
The Cochrane brothers are in town. Theire mother almost dies and her son's catch her money and gold....... Zoe moves with her father to Sidney. At first Chris don't seems to care to much, but when she gets home again she finds a botle of jam and a wrapped and framed picture of Chris and Zoe. And Chris starts to cry...
Kate's friend Jessie gets back after been away for five years. Emma and Sam decides that they shall get married.
Chris takes flying lessons to get something else than her lonleyness to think about. Old Hughi is back and makes everyone favours but then he dies.
Violet leaves for a vacation. Sam and Emma make plans for their marrige- Violet too. Chris father comes to visit her. Someone hurts her eye- geoff takes care of her.
A carnival comes to Coopers Crossing and people get killed. The murderer seems to be a boy from the carnival. Chris father starts to be in the way for Chris and the others.
Chris father (William)'s girlfriend arrives to Coopers Crossing. George Baxter wants to buy a farm- but his bid is to small. Finally he bides more and can buy the farm.
An old lady sells/gives away hen's with ""sarmonella"". She gave one to Chris- but she couldn't kill it so she had it as a domestic animal (good for her). DJ and his friends from Greece opens a resturang. Violet was on Bali and Emma in Sindney, it's a big party when they come home.
Sam and Emma gets married. Chris misses the whole wedding when she's stuck on a farm in the outback with a sick child and the mother. They has to go 2,5 miles in a terrible wheather. But the girl survives and Chris breaks down after it. Geoff comforts her.

Season 3 - The Flying Doctors
A boxing troupe arrive and one of them is ex-champion Johnny Lawrence who is after Kate. Geoff is jealousy but keeps his distance. Johnny suffers a heart problem and has to give up boxing, so asks Kate to leave with him. Kate refuses stating its because of her love for Coopers Crossing, but Johnny tells her she loves Geoff.
Sapphire is a woman who is married and lives with her husband and his sister. Her husband is alot older than her and everyone thinks Sapphire is after his money. The sister in the meantime is poisoning her brother but has convinced the farm hand that Sapphire is doing it.
A man and his 8yr old daughter Tracy are in a car crash and Tracy wanders off. A woman reports to Jack that she has met the girl but Jack doesn't believe her as there is no evidence of a child having been in the car, and the woman has been reporting a child crying in the bush for years since her own 8yr old daughter Laura died. When Tracy's father regains conciousness and asks for Tracy Jack is distraught as he blames himself for Laura's death. Chris comforts Jack and later the girl is found safe.
It's inspection time at the base and the inspector hasn' t arrived. The team are busy flying around the district and are unable to make the clinic run. Guess who's at the clinic run? the Inspector. Eventually she arrives at the base via the mail plane but when she is talking to Geoff he falls asleep. Jack falls for Chris.
Marty the mechanic arrives and causes problems for DJ at the disco, while Jack is out of town sorting out his divorce in the hope that Chris and he will get together.
Sam and Emma come to the aid of a friend who has entered 'The Great Australian Camel Race'; and George Baxter finds himself besieged after incurring the wrath of the town's womenfolk.
An artist and his agent arrive in town to find a bush retreat to boost his flagging career, but is the visit just a cover for something more sinister? Meanwhile, Chris finally confronts Jack about their relationship.
George Baxter meets his match when he comes up against a tough American business woman.
An explosion at a gas field injures Geoff, and Kate accompanies him for therapy at Broken Hill—will romance blossom? Chris has to perform an emergency operation, and DJ has to win back Soula's affections.
The RFDS come to the aid of a tourist bus stranded by a flood. One of the passengers is seriously ill, and it looks as if she will die alone until a 25-year-old love affair is rekindled.
The arrival in town of a young boy and his dog creates tension.
Geoff has to be cruel to be kind to help a young woman recuperate from a stroke, while for DJ, woo turns to woe.
When a young, penniless woman expecting her third baby is deserted by her husband, the town's sympathy is aroused.
Things look nasty in Coopers Crossing when the town is invaded by a wild bunch of shearers and Jack is accidentally shot. Will the town be able to find somebody with his rare blood group in time?
The RFDS come to the rescue of two old timers trying to save their heritage from the rapacious George Baxter.
A new cop Larry O'Connor and his dog Rebel arrive in town and he is eager to make an impression. He starts out by arresting the youths who broke into Baxter's office. DJ is panicking as the boys go to the disco he runs. Mike tells Chris he is married, but that he loves her. Violet's grand-daughter arrives and takes Violet to England.
A boy finds out his mother is having an affair with another landowner. The boy falls off his horse and complains of pain in his legs. chris can find nothing wrong with the boy and suggests he go home. He hears his parents talking of divorce and falls ill again. Sam and Chris devise a way to find out if he is faking or not. Marty is forever talking about leaving for Surfer's Paradise so DJ, Constable O'Connor and Sam set up the Surfer's Carnival.
A Wrangler and his mental impaired daughter are camping out in the bush. The wrangler's boss Richard Sawyer frightens the girl who runs away, and when her father goes looking for her he is bitten by a snake. The locals start a search of the bush and Constable O'Connor impresses the town by finding the girl.
A crop duster friend of Sam's named Bob gets work for Baxter but he has turned into a Enviromentalist and sprays water/milk over the crops. Baxter is not impressed and wants Constable O'Connor to arrest him. Bob tells Sam about his 8yr old son being killed when he sprayed himself with chemical from a tank. Bob decides to make a statement by threatening to empty chemicals into Canberra's water supply. bob gets killed and Sam finds out there were no chemicals aboard his plane.
A land inspector visits falls down a cave after being warned by an aboriginal spirit to stay away. He is rescued but becomes very ill. Geoff asks Dougie for help in getting the curse removed. The man recovers but his tests show he had a disease caused by bat droppings. Mike visits Chris and brings his two daughters with him. The whole town starts talking about Chris, so Mike leaves but states he will be back. Sam's sister, Paula, also comes to the Crossing, she's got a job as radiographer at the hospital.
Hurtle returns to the crossing driving a Rolls Royce, which is stolen, but he doesn't know. Constable O'Connor is advised to look out for the stolen car, so Hurtle and Vic start hiding it around the town. Jack returns and he finds out Hurtle and Vic are upto no good. Mike tells Chris he has asked his wife for a divorce, but receives a call saying his wife has taken the children back to France. he asks Chris to go with him but she refuses. Mike leaves, and Chris is left to cry on Jack's shoulder.
Mike has left his Tiger Moth plane to Chris, after going to France to his kids. Geoff and Kate comes to and old lady with a heart condition. Geoff wants to put her in hospital, but she wants to die in peace, on her property. Geoff and Kate decides to stay and make her last hours as comfortable as possible. They also conduct the funural later on. Vic and Hurtle's case comes to court, and thanks to Larry, everybody involved get off with a warning. In the end, Larry and Hurtle both leave town.
Emma is going out to fix a tractor, despite Sam's and Paula's protests. On the road she sees a car in trouble. Inside she finds Roxanne and Kenny, both on the run from the police after a robbery. Kenny has been shot and is in a dreadful state. Roxanne forces Emma, under gunpoint, to ditch their car, and drive them to an abandonned shed in the bush. Late at night Kenny gets worse, so Emma and Roxanne go into town and get Chris. Sam has already reported Emma missing, but no one misses Chris until the following morning. A searcparty is organised and finally they find Chris and Emma, who has been under a lot of strain, since Roxanne has been taking amfetamines.
A school picnic is held at a property belonging to a man named Rodney. He claims a ghost lives there to, Mick. Geoff and Kate are there, to teach the kids first aid. Later on the town people gather out there, except for Maggie, Emma, Chris and Lucy, who look after the pub. Geoff and Sam are called out on an emergency, but get terribly frightened by a dog! They swear, however, not to tell anybody. At night three nasty men arrive at the pub, which scares the women a bit. On the property Marty decides that he's going to sleep in Mick's room, to see if he is real. Paula scares him during the night, pretending to be a ghost. Marty runs away and falls down a gully! Sam is getting very worried about Emma, he can't reach her on the phone. He rushes back the following morning, only to find her and the other women having a nice breakfast with the nasty blokes from the previous night. Before Jack leaves Rodney's property, he actually sees Mick, in whom he had never previously believed, but when h
Emma is visiting a lady called Ann Williams on a farm outside of town. George Baxter wants to buy the property, but Ann doesn't want to sell, she has too many memories from the farm, where she lost her child a few years back. While Emma is out there, Sam visits, and suddenly Emma get a horrible stomach pain. She realizes there's something wrong with the baby, and George Baxter, who is in the neighbourhood, offers to give her and Sam a lift to the hospital. When they arrive in Coopers Crossing, Emma has lost her baby. Emma seem to recover, but an argument with Sam reveals she's really feeling terrible. Ann has decided to sell the property and go into the city. She doesn't want George to get a cheep price so she keeps an auction. The property is Sam Patterson!! Geoff finally agrees to go flying with Chris in her Tiger Moth. He is terrifid...but he survives!
A man named Harry has inherited a kidneydisease from his father and needs a new kidney. The only one who might be able to give it to him is his brother Johnnie, but he disappeared in Vietnam during the war. Harry's father dies and at the funural his wife Julia sees Johnnie, but Harry doesn't her. When Johnnie ends up in hospital, it turns out Julia was right, it is Johnnie! He gives his kidney to Harry!

Season 4 - The Flying Doctors
Kate and Geoff are on their way to a clinic when two tyres puncture and they have to walk to the farm. When they get there, they see two hot air ballons coming. They belong to a family, consisting of Brian, Lorraine and their son Matt, and a work collegue...a young blonde called Kylie. Finally it's decided there is to be a balloon race, to raise fonds for the RFDS. Kate will be going with Matt, and Geoff with Brian. Geoff is hopeless on navigating, which makes Brian upset, he really wants to win. Suddenly he has a terrible stomach pain, and Geoff has to put down urgently. In hospital they see Brian had a hernia and operate! Lorraine has realized Brian and Kylie were having an affair, and she leaves town. Kylie knows that Lorraine and Brian really should be together, so she finds Lorraine. She and Brian decides to try again. Paula is starting to care more and more for Geoff, and he is a bit embarrassed about it!
A preacher called Teddy Faithful is coming to town, and it is said he can perform miracles. At a meeting in the townhall, when everybody is there, he makes a blind man see again! Everybody is stunned, but later on it turnes out that it was all a fake. Brett, the man organizing all Teddy's activities, had hired the man to make everything look good. Teddy fires Brett and will leave on his own, along with Jenny Rose, a singer who now follows Teddy around and didn't know anything about Brett's lies either. Paula thinks she is turning to religion and wants to follow Teddy, but Sam makes her see sense.
Kimberly White is coming back to Coopers Crossing, to check on George Baxter. She brought her son Todd. Chris meets them at the airport, but Todd isn't very nice. The take a country drive, and stops in the middle of the outback to go for a walk. Todd stays by the car, but suddenly he gets frightened and starts running after Kimberly and Chris, screaming. He falls and hurts his leg. When they asked him what scared him, he says it was a snake. In hospital, Todd gets a bed next to a young boy named Danny, and they become good friends. Chris is still worried about Todd, she doesn't believe a snake scared him, and on a hunch she takes him outside. He gets completely terrified, and Chris realizes he's got agrophobia, he's afraid to be outdoors. Paula realises that Danny has a crush on her and tells him that she is going to be a big sister to him.
Todd is still in hospital, and getting therapy equipment organised from all around the district, but he still can't seem to go out. Kimberly buys him a brand new motorbike, thinking that will help him overcome his fear, but it doesn't. Sam and Emma suggests, that Todd could ride the motorbike at dawn, when nobody is around to see wether he makes it or not. Todd tries, and it works out fine. He decides to go on a clinic run with Chris, and when Sam has let Chris off, he flies Todd to Danny's property. When they're about to land, Todd gets scared and tells Sam to abord the landing. Danny is down below, riding his own motorbike, but he taeks a serious fall and is knocked unconcious. Todd overcomes his fear in order to save Danny. Kimberly is upset about not being able to help Todd, so she puts her energy into building a sports centre in Coopers Crossing. She's annoyed about it taking so long, and when she and Todd has to leave, she let's Jack handle the builing of the sports centre.
The mailman, old Frank, is retiring, and he introduces the new mailman, Nick to everyone in the district. When Nick is taking over, he charges double Frank's prices, which makes everyone upset. A lady called Gail Morris wanted to get a lift with the mailplane to a clinic when she wasn't feeling good, but changed her mind when she found out what it would cost. Later on she was found unconcious, it turned out she was a diabetic. Nick realized his mistakes, and lowered the prices. George is told of Kimberley's donation to Jack for the sports centre and tries to manipulate Jack and Chris into spending it on the Baxter Memorial Park. Jack and Chris investigate and discover that George is under a legal obligation to refurbish the park and it will cost him a fortune to do so. He is hoping they will fund it instead of the sports centre. Jack and Chris make plans but discover that George has lodged a complaint with the council about the site.
Kate thinks everybody takes her for granted and expects her to do things for them. She takes a holiday to go to Thargoomindah and watch the rodeo, and she brings her horse Toby. After a while her car gets overheated, so she stops and takes Toby for a ride. Something scares him, and Kate is thrown off and hits her head. When she wakes up she can't remember anything. She finds a deserted shed, and manages to get in contact with DJ at the base, but she doesn't know where she are. DJ gets her to transmit and every property avaliable to listen in, to try to determine where the signal is strongest. Finally they figure out where she is and can rescue her!
A new man in town, Ron, offers to work for bed and board at Sam and Emma's place. They need all the help they can get, and are greatful. It turns out Ron is the man who ran out on Maggie, when she was young and pregnant. Ron wants to make up for it, but Maggie turns him down.
There's a bad drought in the neighbourhood, making everybody in a bad mood. Vic has to go to Broken Hill to get more beer, but Lucy, who will look after the pub, falls ill. Marty offers to help, but leaves the pub unattended. When he comes back, Paula has taken over, making him a bit upset. They decide to help, but everything gets out of hand, and the pub is totally wrecked. Emma is angry with Marty, for helping out at the pub instead of the garage and he fires him. When Vic gets back, he doesn't get too upset about the brawl, and he convinces Emma to give Marty his job back. In the end, the drought is broken and it starts to rain!
Geoff's brother Barry arrives in town, much to everyones surprise. Geoff never talks about his family, but Barry seems really nice. Geoff isn't too happy about seeing his brother though, and makes him stay in the pub. Barry helps out with a lot of things, and he also organizes the building of the sports centre. He has been taking an intrest in Kate, especially after seeing Geoff is a bit intrested in her, and after the official opening of the sports centre Kate is upset with Geoff and Barry comforts her. Marty has found the perfect car for Barry, ""the Beast"", and Barry offers to take Marty with him to Surfer's. Geoff is upset with Barry, and offers to pay him, if he just leaves Coopers Crossing. Barry just laughs at him!
Barry tells Kate Geoff has warned him off her. She gets upset and asks him out for dinner, which he of course accepts. Vic leaves Barry his bill, but he doesn't seem to be able to pay. Vic asks Geoff about it, and Geoff pays up right away. Barry later on takes Kate on a ride in ""the Beast"", he wants to talk about Geoff. When they stop Barry tries to talk Kate into coming with him to Surfer's. When she doesn't want to he tries to kiss her. Kate fights him off, resulting in him driving as a maniac back to town, scaring Kate half to death. Barry talks to Marty, saying he doesn't want to buy ""the Beast"" after all, meaning the garage will be stuck with the car. Geoff finds out, and buys the car, so Emma won't loose any money on the deal. Later in the pub, nobody wants to sit with Barry. When Geoff comes in, Barry starts provocing him. Finally they both go out the back and have a proper fist fight.
A new nurse, Penny, arrives as a stand-in for Kate. This upsets Maggie, since she and Penny both are from Windoona, and Penny might have a few stories to tell about Maggie. Sam and Emma lets Maggie stay with them, and Maggie tells Emma she had a son when she was very young. The father had shot through, and therefor her son David was raised as her brother. When David turned 21 Maggie told him the truth, which made him run away. There's a big cattle sale going on in the district, and DJ meets a friend called Jean, whom he only knows from radio conversations. She has a funny relationship to her stationhand Russ. She wants to have a baby with him, but he wants to marry her. They've worked out an agreement, if she gets pregnant, they will marry. In hospital Russ finds out he can't have children. He asumes Jean won't marry him because he can't give her a baby and he leaves. DJ and Jean manages to track him down and convince him to stay with Jean.
A man called Lloyd Somerset is out driving when he picks up a young man called Jamie. In the evening there's a terrible storm coming and suddenly Jamie sees some strange lights in front of the car. Lloyd doesn't say anything, he hasn't even told Jamie his name. All of a sudden, the lights appear again and the car is turned over! Geoff and Sam are on their way home from a clinic when the storm hits the plane, causing the electricity to malfunction. The compass is magnetic, and shouldn't be affected, but it's acting very crazy. Sam manages to get the plane down and Geoff takes a look at Lloyd in hospital. He's lost a lof of blood and is uncoscious. Geoff finds out he's got leukaemia. Jamie is released from hospital and at the pub he tells everyone it was a UFO. He calls all the newspapers, who are intrested at first, but later decides not to follow up the story. Finally Geoff learns the truth about Lloyd. He'd been to a nuclear testing site where he used to work.
Baxter has been on a political trip in Canberra, and got stuck with helping to young boys that had nowhere to stay. They make life miserable for him, and fooled around a lot on the radio. When Baxter threatened to have them sent back to Canberra, they caused him to crash with his plane. They didn't think he'd get hurt, but he did. He recovered in hospital though. Chris is feeling a bit run down, but won't admit it to anybody. Finally she agrees to let Geoff take some tests. Sam's new flying pupil turnes out to be Maggie's brother. He knows where Maggie's son is, and even though Maggie pretends not to care, the news upset her.
A storyteller called Tommy Barringa comes to the district and Jack and Chris goes to listen to him. Tommy and a girl named Lindey love eachother but Lindey's father doesn't like his daughter seeing a black man. The father is abused, he gets a dislocated shoulder and Dougie says he did it. Jack doesn't believe him but Dougie insists. Finally there's a fight between Tommy and the father and it also turnes out Tommy was responsible for the dislocation. Tommy ends up in prison where he kills himself.
Kate has come back, but she wants to swap jobs with Penny permanently. Geoff tries to talk to her, begging her to stay until Chris comes back from Sydney. He won't tell Kate why Chris is going, making Kate even more upset. A plane crashes on Robert Morton's property, with two young women in. Chris is called back from her trip to Sydney and she and Geoff go out there. There is nothing they can do for one of the women, Kerry, but they can save Sandra. It turned out Kerry and Sandra were sisters. They both lived with Robert, since he could choose from them, he loved them both and therefore didn't want to marry one of them. It's sheering time for Sam and Emma, but Sam is occupied with emergencies, leaving Emma to care for the property. Maggie helps her out at first, but than leaves her to figure out the best way of getting the work done. Emma later on tries to convice Sam to teach her to fly.
Gary Arnold and his daughter Su are forced to land in Coopers Crossing, Gary has collapsed over the controls. In hosptial nobody seems to know what's the matter with him. Finally Geoff has a hunch, he reckons it could be typhoid, and it is. Everybody is very upset, and they make sure to keep a distance to Su. Marty, who has taken Su under his wings, defend her. Finally it turned out Su came from a camp in Thailand, where she'd been ever since her mother died. Gary had tried to get her out of there, without success, so they had fled Thailand and entered Australia illegally. Jack worked it out though, and they could stay.
Mick and Julia comes to the Crossing trying to get away from Julia's daugther Prue. Everybody likes them, and Mick, who enjoys running, helps organizing a ""Fun Run"" - a 20 kilometres marathon, where all the money go to the RFDS. After the race Mick is resting in his room. But when Julia finds him, he is dead. She tries to kill herself but is saved, and eventually her will to live returns.
A woman gets a really bad asthma attack and thanks to her son she gets to hospital. The boy does a deal with God; if God makes his mum better God can take the boy instead. Everybody tries to convince him God doesn't do deals like that, but the boy doesn't believe them. Finally Father Jacko succeeds, maybe with some help from above...
Emma's schoolmate Jenny comes to Coopers Crossing to visit Emma and Sam. She's acting really strange and Emma convices her to see Geoff. It turns out she's got anorexia, but she refuses to admit it. But finally she realizes it's for the best and goes for treatment. A mining company suspects there might be some minerals at Sam and Emma's property and they think about what they will do with all the money. In the end there wasn't any minerals worth extracting.
A childorchestra arrives in Coopers Crossing. The soloist, Andrew instantly falls in love with Emma. The bus broke down on the way to Coopers Crossing, that's how they met. When the orchestra is leaving the bus broke again! Emma had to order parts from Broken Hill. Andrew hurts his hand really bad and has immediate surgery, but there is no telling if he ever will be able to play the violin again. In hospital he tells Emma he fixed the bus to be able to spend more time with her.
A ferrier named Luke arrives in town. Vic need money to help Nancy's sister, who is seriously ill. Baxter offers to buy the pub, but Vic turns him down. Vic finally decides he has to sell the pub, to get the money, even though he won't sell to Baxter! Luke is about to leave town, when his car explodes. He is very seriously hurt, but manages to recover. All his equipment is destroyed though. He offers to buy the pub from Vic, who accepts, not knowing that Luke is a front for George Baxter. Finally it's Vic's birthday party, he'll be 60, but he leaves pretty soon...however telling Geoff he'll back back...
A girl gives birth to a little baby boy in the Nomad on the way to hospital. She doesn't want to involve the father who is a jackaroo who shot through as soon as he heard he was gonna be a dad. But the baby's grandfather, the girl's dad, is convinced the baby is the new Messiah. He interferes a lot and the mother gets really upset about it. One day he just wanters off into the bush, and isn't found...
Chris is going to hospital to have her operation. Jack comes with her, and her father meets her at the hospital. Before the operation, she meets a young boy named Jamie, who is convinced he'll die soon. Chris does everything she can to convice him otherwise, but it's hopeless. Chris has her operation, but her father tells Jack that even though she'll pull through the operation, there's a 10 days waiting period before the danger is over. When Chris comes out from her operation, she learned that Jamie died during his operation. In Coopers Crossing there is a Bunyip race going on, to raise funds for the RFDS. Geoff and Kate find out Chris pulled through the operation, and tells the others Chris will be fully recovered
Geoff gets a new patient, the donkey Druscilla who has psychological problems. He manages to cure her after a while. Geoff proposes to Kate!!

Season 5 - The Flying Doctors
Doctor David Ratcliff from Broken Hill arrives. Jimmy and Sally McCarthy has a caraccident. Sally will be fine, but Jimmy has massive braindamage. David says Jimmy is clinicly dead and wants to call the transplant unit. But Chris wants to wait for Geoff, he is out on a clinicround. When he comes home he confirms what David's been saying, Jimmy is clinicly dead. But David has acted very badly toward Jimmy's parents. Despite that, they agree to a transplant! Chris wonders if Geoff and Kate really are getting married, since Paula say they are. Kate hesitates, but finally says ""yes""!!!
Emma is trying to get a truck out of some water which it has fallen into, Paula is helping her. The truck falls on Emma's arm and she is trapped with her arm under the water. Paula calls the base for help. David and Geoff arrive there, but they are having problems getting her out, at one point David suggests they might have to amputate her arm. The water is rising and unless they act quickly Emma will drown. With the help of Mr Baxter they just get Emma out in time.
The Malarvy-family comes to Coopers Crossing when their daughter is hospitalized due to pneumonia. They have eight children and the oldest daugther looks after the rest of them. She meets David and at a party she accidently ""thinks"" David proposed to her. She is really thrilled and tells her parents right away. They also like the idea of their daughter beeing married to a doctor. After a lot of talks, explanations and misunderstanding the girl understands and decides to go to nursing school in Broken Hill.
Luke becomes suspicious of the safari group that arrives in Coopers Crossing. When Paula joins them, Luke follows headlong into the jaws of disaster.
Chris and David arrive at a place to do a clinic run, a mother lives there with her 2 daughters. They seem like they have something against men and aren't too keen on David, they were expecting Kate instead of David. David has to sleep in the shearer's quarters. When older daughter sees her sister in the barn kissing a bloke she goes after the bloke with a whip. The younger daughter has had enough and wants to go to Sydney to look for her father, her mother is against this. Then it comes out that the father abused the older daughter.
A lady named Essie Harrington is selling her property. Two japanese men shows up at the auction and they lay the highest bid. This upsets almost everybody, especially since Essie's husband was killed by the Japanese during the war. The tension is to much for Essie, she collapses and is brought to hospital. When she feels better David says he'll tke her back home, but someone has sabotaged the plane, thinking David would fly the japanese men. David makes a force landing, and he and Essie are ok. Essie decided to sell her property to the neighbours and the japanses men leaves!
A young boy named Ricky gets hit by lightning. David, Kate and Sam manages to get there, but the storm makes sure they can't take off. Ricky is in agony and Kate wants to let Ricky die. But David says he, as a doctor, can't just let a patient die. Finally a helicopter gets there and Ricky is brought to hospital. He will be all right.
An aboriginal couple, the woman pregnant, has a car accident, but is all right. The man, Joe, gets a job on a farm and his wife Sheena accompanies him. Joe gets fired and they both move to an aboriginal camp nearby. Sheena is about to have her baby but something is wrong. Joe goes for help, but is beaten up. Finally David and Geoff comes and they also find out about Sheena. Geoff realizes he won't be back in town for his wedding which will take place the following morning. Kate refuses to postpone the wedding, which means they are joined together in holy marriage over the radio!
Chemicals are being dumped illegally. A family returns home after a holiday to find crops are dead and stuff all over the place. The father has a row with the man that should've been looking after the property, it seems like he is drunk, they start fighting and the man gets shot and dies. The father goes off on his own on a horse for 2-3 days. The boy starts feeling sick and having trouble hearing. Chemicals are found to be in the water. The father needs to be found but no one knows where he has gone, he is eventually found.
David, Kate and Paula go on a clinic run to where men are working in a mine. A man has cracked ribs, David advises him to stop working but he won't, the man also fights in a boxing match which he held at the bar. David finds out the man is taking drugs. David goes into the mine just as it is about to be blown up to rescue the man, they just get out in time.
Jacko is babtizing a baby who is ralated to Sam. Afterwords Sam discovers some burnmarks on Jacko's hands. He is taken to hospital and diagnosed with leprosy. He can be treated but everyone is upset and stays away from him. He gets sad and flies away without telling anyone. When they find out and try calling him on the radio there's no answer. Geoff and Sam follows him and manages to locate him. They talk to him and soon Father Jacko is himself again!
A rich man called Barry Ryan comes to town. He is out with some horses when Luke, who is nearby, hears a shot. Barry has been shot and is taken to hospital. But Jack has a problem, it seem no one was out there except Barry - and Luke. Jack finds out Luke once killed a cop, and puts him in jail. Finally it turns out Barry was trying to kill himself, and Jack and Luke are friends again.
DJ gets a call, a stationhand has a broken leg. Chris flies out and sees the worker - who turns out to be Tom Callaghan!! He isn't too badly hurt and everybody wonders why Tom isn't working as a doctor. They throw him a big welcome-back-party at the pub, but he acts strangely and is very rude. The following the his flies out to the property where he is working with David. But in the plane David is stung by wasps and has an allergic reaction. Tom performs a tracheotomy and calls Mayday. Sam is out on a clinicround and can't help, so Chris takes a Cessna up and tries to talk Tom down. Amazingly he manages to land the plane with only a few difficulties. Later Tom talks to Chris about some things he experienced in Africa, but then leaves for the farm.
A girl named Kathy complains of stomachpains and Chris does some tests. Kathy's father shows up secretly and he and Kathy leaves during the night. The tests show Kathy is a diabetic and Chris and Dougie tries to track her down. They succeed eventually but Kathy is in a coma. She is taken to hospital and will be fine. And her dad sets things straight with her mum.
A little girl named Sophie falls down a mineshaft. Everybody tries to rescue her but it doesn't look too good. In the last minute David saves her, despite his claustrofobia!
An old man is found in the forrest, he claims to be searching for someone. He is dehydrated and goes to hospital, but runs away. It turned out he had crashed a plane outside the Crossing during the war, and his mates had died in the crash, he wanted to see the plane and the grave. He felt guilty for his friends dying, so I wanted to kill himself out there but was rescued by his son, Geoff and Emma.
Nick's father, Jim, and Nick are out driving. Nick is a bit worried, the rumour says his dad takes amphetamine. Nick is asleep, when Jim suddenly can't see properly. He crashes into the Broken Hill bus! There are a lot of victims, and everybody is called in. Nick thinks they crashed because his dad was high, but an x-ray showed he had a braindamage. He goes to Sydney for treatment as soon as they found out.
Michael and Lee visits an old man named Karl. They work for a mining company and wants to do a survey on Karl's land, but he refuses. When they are on their way Michael starts acting more and more agressive. When they stop he goes mad and pushes Lee off a cliff! Michael is found and brought to hospital. After a lot of tests and troubles they found out he had rabies!! After a while Karl tells them there was a girl with Michael, and the search starts. She is found and will be all right. Before she leaves Coopers Crossing she promises Karl no survey will ever be done on his land.
Nick and his friend Shane works for mr. Logan. Nick hurts his chest and Tom says he needs to rest for 10 days. Mr. Logan doesn't except that and to keep his job Nick keeps working. But one day he feels really bad, and mr. Logan says he'll drive Nick and Shane to town. In the car they start arguing, and mr. Logan dumps the two of them in the middle of nowhere. Nick is now unconscious. Mr. Logan's wife, Maria, suspects something is wrong and takes a car and goes after them. She can't drive well, and gets lost. Nick and Shane gets a ride to the nearest property where the Nomad picks them up. He needs immediate surgery, but will be all right. A search for Maria is organized and she is found in one piece!
A man working for Baxter, Ben, has a caraccident. The RFDS comes and checks him out. They say he need an eyeoperation. But Ben has heard that Baxter wants to fire him, so he grabs a horse and rides off. After a while he is found and Tom tries to talk to him. When Tom steps outside tom shoots himself.
On the way to a clinic run some medical things fall off the truck and gets left behind. David returns to the hospital with some patients, only Geoff, Kate and Emma left at place. Geoff becomes ill, it's his appendix and it needs to be operated on, he is in an aborginal cave, Kate has to do the operation in the cave with instructions from Tom at the base. David is in a helicopter on the way back there. Kate manages to do it and Geoff is alright.
A girl who is a friend of Emma's give birth in her car, then leaves the baby outside Emma's front door wanting Emma to look after it - what she doesn't know is that Emma is staying overnight in town. The girl collapses and ends up in hospital, David is her doctor, he knows she has just given birth and is trying to get her to tell him where the baby is but she won't. The baby ends up being left out in the cold all night. The girl's boyfriend turns up aswell. Eventually the girl says where she left the baby and Emma and the boyfriend find it.
Lorraine is killed while trying to mend her bridge. Her death leaves her best friend, Judith, to pick up the pieces and fight off a blackmailing claimant on Lorraine's will.
Pip, an elderly lady who is the darling of Coopers Crossing, comes into some money.
The accident of a young boy entangles his family in a web of deceit and suspicion.
Mel Cregan from Coopers Crossing is the big baseballhero in New South Wales. After a great game he and his dad, Kev, are celebrating at the pub with their mates. They are rather drunk but Kev insists on driving home in the middle of the night. They have an accident and Mel hurts his leg. They need to amputate but Mel doesn't allow it. Geoff and Tom goes through with the operation anyway, to save Mel's life. After Mel's operation he goes to Sydney for specail treatment. But he swears to sue Geoff and Tom. After a lot of hard times Mel realizes you can have fun in a wheel-chair - you can even sport.

Season 6 - The Flying Doctors
Tom is going on holiday and with him on the Broken Hill plane are Kate, a pregnant woman and two businessmen. The businessmen want to look at a certain place which isn't on the route to Broken Hill and the pilot forges the flightplan. They crash and no one knows where they are. One of the businessmen goes for help, but it's stupid - he'll never make it without water. The woman delivers a little baby girl who is very ill. Luke and the woman's husband is out looking for them and finds the businessmen who'd gone for help severly dehydrated. They find the others as well and everybody will be all right, even the little baby!
A new RDS pilot lands himself in trouble when he gives a lift to an old rascal called Felix.
Chris has to look after a criminal, Evans. The police claims he tried to escape but his injuries are consistant with the ones of a beating. Chris feels sorry for him but finally she has to release him from the hospital. On the way to Broken Hill they have a caraccident. When Chris gets there Evans tries to kill them all but is shot to death by one of the policemen. It turned out Evans had been treated for schizophrenia.
Mr Price and his grown up daughter Megan own place where men are drilling. Tom is an old friend of Megan's. While Mr Price and Megan are there, there is a big explosion. Tom and David go there, Mr Price and Megan aren't injured so they decide to fly out the men who are seriously injured first. Megan isn't happy about this - she wants her father on the plane first, but she and Mr Price end up staying back with Tom while David goes in the plane with the other men. Mr Price has a heart attack and dies, but it turns out he was taking tablets for angina and didn't tell Tom before
Two girls, Kelly and Hannah, and their grandmother have a car accident. In hospital Geoff finds out the grandmother has lethal cancer. She wants to looks for the girls' father, Michael O'Connor, their mother is dead. Geoff locates Michael on the opal-fields, but Michael won't come back. The grandmother dies, and the girls overhear Geoff when he says they might be split up. The girls run away and a search-party is organized. Geoff has found out why Michael won't come back for his kids, and confronts him with the information. This makes Michael come and look for his girls and thanks to him they are found!
Nancy contacts an old rodeo-champion, Ralph McRae, to help Nick. Vic is jealous, he thinks Nancy and Ralph have something going. Ralph doesn't seem to realize he isn't young anymore, so he tries some rodeo, but gets really dizzy. It turns out he was near a stroke, but will be alright if he takes care of himself. He doesn't want to at first, but when he ends up in hospital he comes to his senses. Vic and Nancy are fighting and Nancy falls down the stairs. It looks like she'll be completely paralyzed, but later it turns out she could get better, if she has surgery. It's a rather big risk, but she and Vic decides to go through with the operation. And it is a success.
A woman named Lois Murchison takes a bad fall, and can't radio for help. The only one left on the property apart from herself is her very young son Ben. Lois manages to send a call to DJ on a really old radio, but he can't really identify her. Finally Tom finds her and takes her to hospital. Chris has applied for a top job in Sydney, and she got it - but turned it down!
Amanda is seeing Mark, who works on her father's property. Her mother doesn't approve and after a fight Mark leaves. Amanda is so upset she tries to kill herself. Debbie got a bump on the head in an accident, and in the plane her headinjury gets worse and she faints. David lands the plane, and Amanda will be fine. But Debbie's pilot's license is withdrawn.
Tom goes to see June Nichols, who is ill. Her radio is broken, so Tom takes June's son Jason to go to the neighbours for help. They have a car accident and than gets lost in the bush. They are found however, in time to save June as well.
DJ's father turns up and wants DJ to return to Greece with him. DJ and his father go to see an old man out in the bush to see if he is OK, his radio isn't working. The doctors take it in turns on the radio at the base. Turns out the old man is very ill and has tetnus. DJ decides to go back to Greece with his father and leaves.
A bloke and his girlfriend turn up in town to see David - they are old friends. David and the bloke go climbing, his girlfriend isn't feeling well and stays at the hotel. The girlfriend seems to be getting worse and when Nancy sees her she calls Tom. It turns out to be a very bad case of food poisoning. During the climb the bloke starts feeling ill and can't carry on, he waits on ledge half way up and David goes for help. The food poisoning was from some caviar and champagne they had both had.
When charter pilot Doug Holland flies into Coopers Crossing to refuel his aircraft, a nightmare begins for Geoff, Kate and the other doctors.
Typical Aussie outback man Whistler, who loves Alice but has avoided marriage for 20 years, discovers that the time has come to make a decision. In order to raise some extra money so that he will be able to support her, he attempts cattle rustling—but collapses in the process.
A young girl blames herself for her sister's drowning and loses the will to walk. While taking her to Broken Hill for tests, the plane makes a forced landing, and Geoff and Kate decide to stay the night in an eerie homestead occupied by two strange sisters.
Nick goes to an opal-miner called Jackson with a generator. Jackson attacks Nick but then get trouble breathing. He goes to hospital with his daughter while Nick stays to guard the mine. A thief comes at night and manages to get some opals with him. When Jacksom comes to the mine the following day he gets sick again and David take some tests of the mine. Jackson thinks his former partner, Palmer, stole the opals and goes over to his mine. David goes after him and finds them fighting in the mine. Suddenly the roof crashes down and the three of them are trapped inside. In the last minute they are saved by Tom and Nick. David finds out Jackson was allergic to some fungus in the mine and therfore he can't keep working in it. He sells the mine to Parker.
Tom is treating a girl named Kim, she's burnt her hands. She falls in love with Tom and follows him everywhere which is a bit embarresing. She follows him to the airport and climbs into the cargospace in front of the plane when they go on a clinicround. They find her there after a while and she has to stay with them over night. The following day she finds out her mother will come. She is very upset and runs away. Tom finds her on top of a windmill and manages, though difficulties, get her down. They found out Kim's schizophrenic and she will go back to town for treatment.
A father, Rex, and his son Tim is heading toward Coopers Crossing whne Tim gets in the boot of the car. They have a caraccident, but is saved in the last minute before the truck burns into a wreck. Tim will be fine, but Geoff finds out Rex's got a heart disease. It isn't curable and Rex wants to spend time with his son. They leave for a farm the following morning. Tim's mother, Jess, turns up in town and claims Rex has kidnapped Tim, she wants him back! At the farm Rex and Tim finds out the person they were looking for had moved but they stay there with Di and Ellie Martin. Suddenly Rex collapses. Geoff and Kate come but Rex died in the plane. Tim decided to stay on the farm to try some country life.
David is getting a man to hospital who hurt his head. David finds out he's been in Vietnam but he doesn't want to talk about it. But he does have a heart condition and needs a by pass operation in Sydeny. He refuses to go though, he reckons he's got nothing to live for. He runs away from the hospital but then his daughter from Vietnam shows up. Apparantly he had no knowledge of her. She and David go looking for her father and finally they manage to locate him. After lots of dramas the man ends up in hospital, and when he sees he has a daughter who cares about him he decides to go through with the operation and he and his daughter leave for Sydney together.
Nick and Annie find a car in a dried creek with two bodies inside. They are believed to be Bob and Rachel Jordan, who mysteriously disappeared years earlier. Tom is suspicious and finally they find out the man in the car wasn't Bob. It turned out Rachel had had an affair - Bob was ill and spent most of his time in bed. Their son found out and told Bob, who was very upset. Rachel and her ""boyfriend"" took off, but apparently they didn't get any further than the creek. Shortly afterwords Bob died, but made Michael swear not to tell the truth. Michael held his promise and burried Bob at the property. He had had mental problems ever since.
Chris undergoes an emotional crisis after receiving some devastating news about her father.

Season 7 - The Flying Doctors
The new pilot, Johnno Johnosn, arrives. An old man named Les thinks he's got asbestosis from mine-jobs. He's convinced he'll die and wants compensation money from the mining company. He's gonna give the money to a boy named Matt, who wants to be a pilot. Les finds out he's not gonna die after all, and when Matt finds out he steels Johnno's plane. Johnno manages to talk him down though.
During a clinicround there are reports of small fires, which eventually turns out to be one huge fire! Geoff goes out there, but burns his hands and is replaced by David. He attends a family where the woman is seriously ill. They manage to get her to hospital, but she needs major surgery in Sydney. There's no time to fly her there, and Geoff can't operate, so David has to do it! The operation is a success!
Nick is out fixing a wind mill, when a woman named Kerry comes, her car broke down. She's pregnant and starts having contractions. Nick helps with the delivery, she gets a baby girl. Something is not right with Kerry though, and it turns out she stole the car and a lot of money from her boss. He comes to Coopers Crossing and says if he gets his stuff back he won't press charges.
A pilot-friend of Johnno's, Keith Lorrigan, has a plane crash and dies. His wife Vikki finds some heart pills, and Johnno doesn't want anybody to know, they'd only think it was Keith's fault. Johnno tries to work out what happened and discovers Keith thought he was flying barrels of destilled water, when in fact it was sulphuric acid in them. The barrels leeked and caused the crash.
David and Annie go to a remote part of town to do check ups on pupils at the school. One of the boys keeps acting strangly and has bad headaches and his hands keep shaking, his sister is having headaches aswell. The other kids tease him and think he is mad. David tries talking to his father but gets no joy from him, so he goes to see the boy's grandfather. He has got the shakes aswell and says it's miners shake, David finds out from him that stuff from the mines has been leaking into a stream, but then they find out it is getting into water where the boy's father is getting water from to water the vegetables with, so it turns out the boy is being poisoned.
The team is presented with a major problem by a couple and their disabled child.
Through helping an alcoholic friend, Tom finds himself trapped in a mine and at the mercy of a murderer.
A man burns down his house and heads into the outback, taking his daughters with him.
David falls in love with a British woman, she is flying around the world on her own, she is only in town for a few days while her plane is being fixed. But, then David finds out she is very ill and has hodgekins disease. She wants to travel and sees as much of the world as she can before she dies. David asks her to marry him, but she turns him down because of the travelling.
Tom talks to a woman who needs to have her utures removed. The woman lives under horrible cirumstances, he husband is really mean. One day her husband gets badly hurt, and Tom and Johnno flies out there. There's a storm coming in, so they can't fly the hurt man to hospital. Tom has to operate, assisted by Johnno and the wife. The operation is a sucess and finally the couple manages to sort things out.
An alcoholic poet suffering with writer's block shows up in town and causes trouble by his decision to turn to plagiarism.
A tense situation develops in town after a distraught man, burdened by his failure to provide for his family, takes two hostages.
A young German doctor arrives in Cooper's Crossing and is soon needed to help out in an emergency.
A young mother attempts to escape from her manic depressive boyfriend by running away to Cooper's Crossing.
Geoff runs into a couple of people from his past, ex-jazz singer Billie Sorenson and her one-time pianist Pete.
Magda and Kate attempt to persuade an aborigine girl's father to let her have an operation to save her from a brain tumour.
David attempts to help a man who has his leg trapped. Back at the hospital David also notices a lump on the man's chest which he wants tested and removed.
Annie gives treatment to a boy who works on a carnival and they soon develop a strong rapport.
Kate and Geoff attempt to help a girl who has been raped. She isn't saying much and refuses to say who did it. Annie goes on a date with Ted Patterson.
Vic and Nancy are getting ready for Christmas.

Season 8 - The Flying Doctors
A new doctor and nurse show up in Cooper's Crossing. He is charming but arrogant and she's fed up with overbearing city doctors, so the stage is set for a clash.
A man collapses whilst drilling an oil rig and after Johnno and David show up at the scene they discover the boss is an old enemy of Johnno's.
A pregnant woman is being flown to the hospital with Kate as the only other passenger on board and they run into a bad storm. Kate is forced to deliver the baby after they woman goes into labour and she then rejects her baby and won't hold it or see it. Clare loses everything following a fire at her house. The doctors do everything they can to get the new mother to accept her new born baby.
After a couple of English girls are stranded in the outback, the doctors are called out to help.
David decides that the time has come to leave Cooper's Crossing and do something else with his life. A jackeroo is fired because he has been seeing the boss' daughter. David's efforts to save a life go disasterously wrong.
After battery acid explodes in her face, Kate could loose her sight.
After Kate's younger sister Penny shows up town, she immediately causes a stir. Magda is hiding a secret and makes a surprise announcement.
Clare is feeling stressed and her work starts to suffer after an agency contacts her about Steve, the son she had adopted. Penny is finding to hard to adapt in the outback and is feeling bored. After Clare's son arrives in town though things improve.
An influential landowner manages ro cause problems for the team after he insists that his injured son is sent to a specialist in Melbourne. A new doctor arrives in town and manages to offend the locals with her brusque manner.
Vic decides to invest in a tourist enterprise. A father has to come to terms with a tragedy.
Geoff and Kate decide to go camping hoping that some time together and some privacy will help them conceive a child. The end up camping near a fundamentally religious family and things go wrong after the father wants to sacrifice his son in an attempt to replicate Abraham.
After Vic accidentally runs over a girl, it is the beginning of a whole chain of events.
After a tour guide dies of a heart attack whilst showing people around some caves, Guy, Penny, Steve and a German couple find themselves lost inside the caves. Kate is not feeling well but a pregnancy test explains the cause of her sickness.
Geoff is struck down with a mystery illness and after nobody seems to be able to diagnose what it wrong, it appears the only option is to amputate his arm.
Johnno is determined to fly back to town despite some bad weather conditions and ending up losing his pilot's license forcing him to take both his practical and theory tests again. After there is a medical emergency he decides to break his ban and fly the hurt man back to the hospital against regulations.
Kate is determined to compete in the town's annual cross country horse race even though she is pregnant. Her main rival is her sister Penny and neither of them is prepared to let the other one win.
Guy attempts to help a battered housewife. Jackie attempts to fend off the affections of a dentist.
Penny and Steve are looking forward to going on a camping trip but things take an unpleasant turn after they see something shocking. Penny runs off to Melbourne.
Geoff finds himself involved with the Cochrane family again. He goes to Melbourne after receiving a mystifying telephone call and he meets Old Ma Cochrane, mother of Carbine and Pharlap. The 91 year old woman wants to return to the Crossing so that she can die.
Guy receives a massive surprise after his fiancee Fern Wentworth turns up. She wants to win back his heart and turn him into the man she knew before he moved to Coopers Crossing.
Johnno ends up having a near death experience, after flying in a storm, and he thinks about his life. He buys a farm from his friend who is ill with MS and admits his true feelings to Rowie.
Geoff and Kate get ready to celebrate the birth of their first child. Geoff receives a visit from a paediatrician friend called Colin. After the baby is born, she is ill and needs an operation. The person who is best qualified to perform the surgery is Colin but unfortunately he is now an alcoholic. Kate finds out about his drinking problem and doesn't want him to perform the procedure but if baby Scarlett does not get the operation soon, she will die.
Jackie is pleased after Jerry Davis return to Coopers Crossing but romance is the last thing on his mind. After talking with Geoff about a scar he has on his neck after being involved in a medical emergency, he has some shocking news to deal with.
A young boy who is disfigured with scars is kept away from society by his worried mother. Geoff attempts to rehabilitate them and encourage them back into the community but the mother refuses. After the boy becomes suicidal though it's up to Penny to try to resolve the situation.
Geoff and Kate experience city life after they relocate to Melbourne after he has been been given the opportunity to train as a cardiologist. They end up deciding not to leave the Crossing though and move back after not enjoying life in Melbourne. Rowie and Johnno finalise their wedding arrangements and she she gets cold feet.
A couple of young lovers decide to hide away in the cellar of a farmhouse to avoid the anger of their feuding families. After Jackie finds them, their secret becomes common knowledge with tragic consequences.

Season 9 - The Flying Doctors
Rowie is riddled with guilt when Walter Morell claims to have seen a nymph in the outback. Twenty years ago, Rowie abandoned her friend Beryl in the outback and she believes the sighting of the nymph is more than just a coincidence.
Life with baby Scarlett leads to marital discord for Geoff and Kate. Then when Kate's sister Penny becomes infatuated with Geoff, things are only set to get worse. Meanwhile the whole town is convinced that a satellite is about to hit town.
The love of Clare's life appears in the Crossing and causes her some consternation. meanwhile Steve finds running his own business is not as easy as he thought.
When a lethal bacteria is found in the operating theatre, there is an outbreak of hysteria in the Crossing. Although Guy attempts to suppress local concerns he ends up exacerbating the situation. Meanwhile Rowie makes some life changing decisions about her relationship with Johnno.
After a storm prevents Guy and Jackie from returning to the Crossing after a clinic round,they are forced to stay over night in an isolated shed. Not too surprisingly, when they get back in to town the next day everyone is talking about their night together.
There is a highly specialised, successful Doctor in town but Jackie has to deal with a troubled conscience after finding out that he is addicted to heroin.
Geoff believes a man is suffering from mental illness when he jumps out in front of him, nude. However the man is evidently highly educated and astounds the locals with his understanding of flying, mechanics and medicine. At first they believe he must be some sort of alien but things become even more mysterious when the military arrives in the Crossing in search of him.
As Kate and Geoff prepare for Scarlett's christening, they reflect on their lives together and the friends they have known.
Old familiar faces return to the Crossing when a party is held after Harry Cooper's diary is found. Things don't run quite as smoothly as planned though when George Baxter, who believes he owns a dairy as a consequence of what was written in the diary, crashes in to the bus carrying Chris. Tom makes it back from Africa and Emma arrives, with out Sam, but with two children in tow. When Geoff discovers that Baxter is not entitled to the diary, he decides to return ownership to the town. DJ returns from Greece and flirts with Penny, much to Steve's annoyance. It is announced that Chris will go back with Tom to Africa.
A young Koori boy has a difficult time when his grandfather is diagnosed with terminal cancer. Guy becomes involved but soon discovers that he is perhaps too emotionally attached to the situation and has trouble thinking rationally.
Emotions run high in the Crossing when they believe they have a bigamist in their midst. When a travelling salesman has an accident and is admitted to hospital, his terrible secret is exposed when two wives turn up at visiting time. Is he the bigamist he appears to be?
A man threatens to kill his wife and child out of desperation when he can no longer go on with the guilt of his financial debt. Meanwhile an attractive, wealthy man, Andrew Abott, seduces Rowie.
Guy is mystified by the symptoms of a young patient and has problems identifying a diagnosis. Meanwhile there is cricket fever in the Crossing as everyone awaits the contest they've all been waiting for to take place.
Geoff decides to expand his career options and break out into the world of cuisine. Meanwhile, everyone in the Crossing is nervous when convicted killer Matt Samuels is let out of prison after serving his time. When Kate is determined to drive him back home without anyone else, people become apprehensive about her safety.
When Johnno learns that his father has died, he returns to Melbourne to collect his belongings. However he finds out more than he bargained for when he meets one of his father's old friends and hears the tales his father has been making up about him. He regrets that he never spent time with his father when he had the chance. Back in the Crossing, Guy and Steve attempt to do Johnno a favour by re-decorating his house but things don't go quite as planned and they end up burning it down. Penny has a difficult emergency and her own life is put at risk.
Rowie is involved in a bizarre emergency. When she goes there across country by horse, she discovers that all is not what it seems and calls the base for assistance.
The stress and pressure of arranging a high society wedding causes the bride to be, Emily, to collapse with exhaustion and be hospitalised. After being told that she needs absolute rest she has second thoughts about going through with the marriage and cancels it: her parents are devastated. Meanwhile, the lorry carrying the champagne supplies for the reception is involved in an accident on its way back from Broken Hill. One by one, the residents of the Crossing find themselves out at the scene of the incident and find themselves drinking their way through the goods. Also Guy has a rival in his affections for Jackie. In the end, it's all systems go back at the Crossing when the couple decide to go through with the wedding. However, by the time a celebration has been re-organised, it emerges the young couple have already eloped.
Luke will do anything to impress his father Barry, however he takes things a little too far when a group of Japanese end up staying in the Crossing when their bus breaks down. Johnno ends up staying with Luke and Barry when the pub becomes too full and he is witness to the racist comments made by both Barry and Luke about the visitors. Later, when one of the Japanese tourists is stabbed, all evidence points to Luke. Meanwhile, one of the tourists is Toshi who has visited the Crossing before. Guy makes it clear that he and Jackie are together and this time he takes a shine to Penny.
When a female journalist joins Kate and Johnno on a clinic run it results in a bit of a fracas. There is a plane crash; fantastic news for the journalist but not for the young man who Kate has to do an emrgency operation on.
There is a major problem at the hospital when the aged washing machines break down and it emerges there is insufficient funds to buy replacement ones. When the staff goes on strike, it is up to Penny and an infamous union man to get new machines and get everyone back to work. Meanwhile Steve finds himself attracted to the Crossing's new teacher, Jane McLaughlin, and they waste no time in getting intimately acquainted.
Rowie finds the going tough when she has to decide between taking care of her ill father or living in Coopers Crossing. Things become increasingly stressful for her when she is forced to give treatment instructions over the radio to an injured navy recruit. Meanwhile, tensions between her and Guy continue to rise.
Guy finds himself faced with a difficult moral dilemma. Steve continues to be infatuated by the local school teacher, Jane, and he is determined to make their relationship more serious. However, when she goes to see Guy it emerges she has a fatal illness. Guy is desperate to maintain his Hippocratic Oath but he doesn't want his friend Steve to be hurt.
When Geoff has to make the exceptionally difficult choice between attending the birth of a premature baby and treating the victim of a snake bite, Jackie objects to his decision. However later on, she too is faced with the challenge of making a choice between life and death and begins to appreciate how it feels. Kate finds herself embroiled in local politics and faces an unexpected adversary.
Rowie and Guy find themselves at loggerheads when they disagree over the diagnosis of a patient. Matt Sheridan, a notoriously hard working farmer, seeks medical help for excessive tiredness. Rowie believes it must be a symptom of an underlying physical illness but Guy is adamant Matt is suffering from stress. The animosity they show towards each other makes their colleagues at the RFDS feel very uncomfortable.
There's a new man in town. He quickly ingratiates himself with the locals however Jackie remains apprehensive about him.
Claire continues to receive attention from a secret admirer. However, she decides that it might not be such a bad thing and decides that she'd like to meet him.
The town hosts a local boxing match. Things take an ominous turn though when Steve knocks out his opponent. When his opponant dies, he is held partially responsible for the death.
Hard times have hit the Crossing but Vic has an ingenious idea to draw in more custom: introduce bikini wearing parking inspectors. Meanwhile, he thinks he sees Penny and Guy.
In a reflective mood when it's his daughter Scarlett's birthday, Geoff makes her a video about the people of Coopers Crossing. He hopes to pass on the 'life lessons' his father taught him, but he reveals some dark secrets too.